About us

Image of cocker spaniel dog Agawam Animal Hospital is proud to serve the Agawam, MA area for everything pet-related. Our veterinary clinic and animal hospital is run by Dr. John Guntly, who is a licensed, experienced Agawam veterinarian.

There’s no bond quite like the human-companion animal bond. For many people, there’s no better feeling than the unconditional love of a pet. At Agawam Animal Hospital of Agawam, MA, Dr. Guntly and our team understand this because we are animal lovers and pet owners, too.

Our team is committed to educating our clients in how to keep your pets healthy year round, with good nutrition and exercise. Agawam Animal Hospital stays on top of the latest advances in veterinarian technology and above all, remembers that all animals and pets need to be treated with loving care in every check-up, procedure, or surgery.

We have made it our mission to help you and your animal companion avoid health problems, overcome them when they happen and enjoy the longest possible healthy life together. That’s also why we have all the latest veterinary technology and diagnostic equipment at our facility. We even have a surgical and internal medicine referral service, which allows us to refer out to a variety of specialists, including a veterinary school here in Massachusetts. And it’s why we have evening and Saturday hours. We want to be here for you when you need us.

A strong emphasis on veterinary dental health

We place a strong emphasis on veterinary dentistry for good reasons. Dental care is critically important because heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease may all begin with your pet’s oral infectionsthat are spread via the bloodstream.

Unfortunately, our pets cannot brush and floss their teeth the way we do. That’s why veterinary dentistry is so critically important to your pet’s overall health. Caring for your pet’s teeth and gums is one of the best ways you can prevent many diseases. Our dental operatory is equipped with dental X-rays that allow Dr. Guntly to perform comprehensive oral health assessments and quickly provide treatment. We also use high-speed dental equipment, which allows for complete and thorough exams, plus treatment of any diseased teeth or tissue.

Routine comprehensive oral health assessments are vitally important for all pets especially since pets suffering from the internal effects of dental infections will not live as happily nor as long as pets who have good dental health. Our services range from routine dental cleanings to advanced dental procedures


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Agawam Office


8:00 am-6:00 pm

Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm

Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

We are closed the first Wednesday of each month for business management


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm

Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 pm



